Dec 7, 2016

USA: Donate to Friends of the Earth

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From: "Friends of the Earth" <>
Date: Dec 6, 2016 5:32 PM
Subject: Help build the movement to stop Trump's terrible administration

Help build the movement to stop Trump's terrible administration: Give $15 or more NOW!
White supremacists don't belong in the White House. Period.
Donald Trump is bringing in former Breitbart News chairman Stephen Bannon to be his right-hand man.
Stephen Bannon, who published lies about President Obama's citizenship and blamed Black Americans for violent crime.
Stephen Bannon, who has been charged with domestic violence while mocking feminists and women.
Stephen Bannon, the ex-Goldman Sachs banker at the center of the xenophobic rhetoric that propelled Trump to the presidency.
And Bannon is just the first in a parade of racist, misogynistic, and climate-denying people Trump has chosen to serve in his government.
At Friends of the Earth, we're building the movement to stop Trump and his destructive administration -- but we need your help.

Help build the movement to stop Trump's terrible administration. Give $15 or more TODAY!
Already people like you are taking action to condemn Trump's racist, misogynistic, xenophobic behavior and that of his surrogates. More than 50,000 people like you have signed the petition to stop Bannon from serving in the White House. This week, Friends of the Earth and allies from all around the progressive movement are teaming up to deliver your signatures to show our leaders that he is an unacceptable choice.
But Bannon isn't the only threat to people and the planet who could join the Trump administration. Racist, climate-denying Senator Jeff Sessions could lead the Justice Department. He'd have the power to let Exxon Mobil get away with denying the climate crisis -- potentially the biggest case of corporate fraud in history.  
And Trump's top environmental advisor Myron Ebell doesn't think it's the EPA's job to protect our planet. In fact, he'd rather strip the agency of its power to regulate Big Polluters. For starters, he'd tear apart the Clean Power Plan and gut rules on pollutants like methane.
Trump has floated an oil company executive's name to head the Department of Energy. And he's chosen a Goldman Sachs chief to be in charge of Treasury. The list goes on and on.
At Friends of the Earth, we're working to expose and defeat Trump's terrible appointees. So we'll shine a light on their shady corporate pasts and push Congress to reject them. And if they make it through Congress, we will expose and watchdog their every move. But we need your help.

Stop Trump from filling his government with racists, climate deniers and corporate cronies: Give $15 to Friends of the Earth!
We've been here before -- sixteen years ago, under President Bush. And before that, under President Reagan. We've faced many of the same threats that Donald Trump poses now. 
But together we used these same tactics to successfully block the worst attacks on the environment. With your support we can do it again.
Friends of the Earth was made for this fight. By making a donation today, you'll help build the strong movement we need to stand up for people and the planet every time they're under threat.

Donate $15 or more now to help fight Trump and his toxic administration!
Erich Pica,
Friends of the Earth

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