From: Leda Huta, Endangered Species Coalition <>
Date: Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 12:41 PM
Subject: Petition the White House to Save the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard
We need your help saving the dunes sagebrush lizard from extinction.
Widespread destruction of the lizard's New Mexico and Texas dune-oak habitat has prompted the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to propose protecting the lizard under the Endangered Species Act.
But the lizard has become a pawn in a cynical game. The oil and gas industry is trying to block the creature's protections with misinformation and scare tactics so it can drill and pollute the lizard's last pockets of habitat.
You can help save the lizard by signing this petition to White House policymakers. It asks the administration to put in place the protections federal biologists have already proposed.
We need 25,000 signatures by Nov. 19 for policymakers to review this petition. Please sign today.
Take action here and sign this petition asking the White House to protect the dunes sagebrush lizard under the Endangered Species Act.
Thank you for your commitment to wildlife and wild places.

Leda Huta
Executive Director
Endangered Species Coalition
If you have trouble following the link, go to You'll be asked to register for an account at if you don't already have one.

Date: Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 12:41 PM
Subject: Petition the White House to Save the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard
Help save the dunes sagebrush lizard from extinction. |
Widespread destruction of the lizard's New Mexico and Texas dune-oak habitat has prompted the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to propose protecting the lizard under the Endangered Species Act.
But the lizard has become a pawn in a cynical game. The oil and gas industry is trying to block the creature's protections with misinformation and scare tactics so it can drill and pollute the lizard's last pockets of habitat.
You can help save the lizard by signing this petition to White House policymakers. It asks the administration to put in place the protections federal biologists have already proposed.
We need 25,000 signatures by Nov. 19 for policymakers to review this petition. Please sign today.
Take action here and sign this petition asking the White House to protect the dunes sagebrush lizard under the Endangered Species Act.
Thank you for your commitment to wildlife and wild places.
Leda Huta
Executive Director
Endangered Species Coalition
If you have trouble following the link, go to You'll be asked to register for an account at if you don't already have one.