Jun 25, 2013

Reminder. The President of USA's speech at 1:55 PM Eastern Time

On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Jamie Henn - 350.org wrote: OK, so 5 minutes after I hit send on this email, the White House tweeted that the speech was actually starting at 1:55, 20 minutes later than expected. Apologies for two emails -- just wanted to let you know. -Jamie

From: Jamie Henn - 350.org <team@350.org>
Date: Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 9:49 AM
Subject: Reminder! The President's speech at 1:35 Eastern

President Obama is about to head to Georgetown University to give his speech laying out his climate agenda. The speech is scheduled to start at 1:35 Eastern time (10:35 Pacific).
Our virtual watch party is taking place here: 350.org/Obama
We think that the video should start up a few minutes before the speech. Bill and @350 will be tweeting in reactions, and you can join in the conversation by tweeting with the hashtag #ForwardOnClimate
I'll be tuning in from Istanbul, Turkey -- I'm here with hundreds of folks from around the world who are kicking off a Global Power Shift, a reminder that no matter what the President says today, there's a growing global movement doing the most important possible work at the most important possible time, and we're not planning to stop any time soon.
Let's see what happens next,

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