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From: Sabrina Upadhyay, Washington Environmental Council <info@wecprotects.org>
Date: Sat, Apr 9, 2016 at 9:00 AM
Subject: We need YOU to stand up to coal!
From: Sabrina Upadhyay, Washington Environmental Council <info@wecprotects.org>
Date: Sat, Apr 9, 2016 at 9:00 AM
Subject: We need YOU to stand up to coal!
The fight against coal export in the Northwest continues, and your involvement is key to defeating these dirty, outdated coal terminal proposals.
As a founding member of the Power Past Coal coalition, WEC works with folks across the region to stand up against plans to build massive coal export terminals and look to a better, cleaner future for our communities.
Sign up today to join the Coal Rapid Response Team to be notified immediately when there is action around coal export and coal transport in Washington. Whether you're interested in phone banking, attending a public hearing or an activist workshop, writing a letter to the editor, or submitting your comments, there are a lot of ways to get involved.
The Millennium Bulk coal export terminal proposal in Longview, WA is moving to the next phase in the environmental review process. Cowlitz County and Washington State's Draft Environmental Impact Statement is scheduled for release on April 30th.
We're building up our team to stand up to Big Coal, and we need you to help out. Sign up today to get involved.
Becoming a gateway for coal export would fly in the face of our region's leadership in the clean energy economy. Shipping up to a hundred million tons of coal a year to Asia through West Coast ports would spread toxic coal dust in communities all along the rail line, clog our railroads and ports, risk our families' health, pollute our air and water, and stoke the climate crisis.
Looking forward to working with you,
Sabrina Upadhyay
Climate Field Organizer |