From: NaturalNews <>
Date: Tue, May 24, 2016 at 12:34 PM
Subject: Glyphosate weed killer causes horrific animal deformations... mutant offspring

Date: Tue, May 24, 2016 at 12:34 PM
Subject: Glyphosate weed killer causes horrific animal deformations... mutant offspring
These horrific photos from Argentina show grotesque animal mutations that sources believe are caused by glyphosate, the GMO agricultural weed killer. What's not being said anywhere is that glyphosate has also infected the bodies of women everywhere, and now the next 1-2 generations of humans will also see similar birth mutations increasing at an alarming pace. Click here for the full story + horrifying photos. (It pains me to publish these photos, but we must face the horrors of this demonic chemical in order to banish it from our world...) P.S. My new book Food Forensics launches in July! Grab the introduction chapter now at | || Irish teen girls taking on Gardasil manufacturers after suffering from long-term injuries caused by the faulty vaccines Sponsor: Breakthrough: Ultimate, No Side-Effect Pill for Every Disease is Here and it costs just one dollar... Glutenless food is often filled with processed sugars and fats... could be worse for your health than eating gluten American doctor sends brutal warning to the public: Money, marketing and legislation are fueling the opioid epidemic Sponsor: Eating This? You're actually feeding cancer cells... Sponsor: Low on Energy? The 2 Secrets of Overcoming Fatigue Your Doctor Isn't Telling You About. No-Cost Virtual Training Fungicide chemicals found to produce autism-like symptoms in animal studies, causing inflammation of the nervous system |
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