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From: "Compassion in World Farming" <
Date: Oct 4, 2016 5:35 AM
Subject: Happy World Animal Day
Animals are not Freight Day |
Today, on World Animal Day, we're celebrating your compassion and respect for farm animals. Every battle won against factory farming, and every success still to come, is down to you. Thank you for showing that you care and for making the world a more humane place. |
29th August marked a fantastic global storm of protest against the long distance transport of live farm animals. Thank you to everyone who attended an event, took action online, joined the Twitter Thunderclap, or made it clear that Animals are not Freight in another way. |
A new study has revealed alarmingly high incidences of antibiotic-resistant E.coli in British supermarket chicken meat. |
The study, commissioned by the Alliance to Save our Antibiotics, of which Compassion is a founding member, provides evidence that the over-use of essential antibiotics in British factory farms is undermining the treatment of infections in humans. |
We are calling on supermarkets to tackle the use of antibiotics in their supply chains by improving the living conditions of farm animals and ending routine, preventative mass-medication. |
Chicken welfare: a top US priority |
Compassion USA recently hosted a first-of-its-kind forum with leading food companies and key industry representatives to discuss the best way forward for improved broiler chicken welfare. The message is clear – chickens reared for meat are the new priority in US farm animal welfare. |
Having gathered people with the power to create industry change in one room, we're anticipating improvements such as the use of slower-growing chicken breeds and the provision of natural light, more space, and enrichment. |
A film with a difference (you can make) |
Each generation is, sadly, confronted by terrible cruelty. And each generation has to make a tough decision: look away or take a stand. Today, we are faced with factory farming, the biggest cause of animal cruelty of our time. |
Thank you again for your support. Together we're standing firm against factory farming – not just on World Animal Day, but every day – for as long as farm animals need us. |
Joy Elliott
Supporter Engagement Manager |