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( Urgent )For proper perspective and updates about the current administration's attacks on these public lands and wilderness, a good place to start is Southeast Alaska Conservation Council:
Received from the USDA Forest Service:
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From: USDA Forest Service <>
Date: Thu, Oct 24, 2019, 2:56 PM
Subject: USDA Forest Service Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project Update
Date: Thu, Oct 24, 2019, 2:56 PM
Subject: USDA Forest Service Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project Update
You are subscribed to Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project for USDA Forest Service. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
The Tongass National Forest is pleased to announce that the Fall 2019 POW LLA Project Public Workshop will be held on Saturday, November 9, 2019, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Prince of Wales Vocational and Technical Education Center in Klawock, AK.
This is the second of many workshops to be held over the span of the comprehensive, 15-year integrated resource management plan. The purpose of the Public Workshop Meeting is to receive public input on the proposed activities. The Forest Service and the public will be able to present activities that they would like to be implemented and will help to determine locations, activity design components, methods, mitigation measures, and integration opportunities for activities presented. If a member of the public is not able to attend, they may submit their activity proposals to the Forest Service to be presented at the workshop. The public will also be able to submit and review submitted, applicable, peer-reviewed research or individual studies for consideration that may influence implementation of activities.
The refined activities resulting from discussions at the workshop, and from information submittals, will be made available to the public for comment during a 30-day comment period, to be announced at a later date. For more information, contact Project Leader Delilah Brigham at 907-828-3232 or by email at
Additional information on the POW LLA Project is available on the project webpage at
This notification is being sent to those who have expressed an interest in the POW LLA Project through scoping, comments, consultation, or a request to be on the mailing list.
Your interest in the Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project and management of the Tongass National Forest is appreciated.