Mar 12, 2020

Web or phone: Interview today 3/12 re 5G and the coronavirus - the inside story |

Today Paul Doyon discusses 5G and the coronavirus. I highly recommend this interview! As always, there is a free replay available for some hours following, and all Lloyd Burrell's interviews are available on his website for purchase.

----- Forwarded message -----
From: Lloyd Burrell | ElectricSense <>
Date: Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 6:00 AM
Subject: Interview today: 5G and the coronavirus - the inside story

Hi Liz,
Today, Thursday, 12th March at 12 noon EST (9 AM PST or 4 PM GMT) I'm interviewing researcher and electromagnetic radiation specialist Paul Doyon.
To connect with this FREE interview go to this page at the designated time: (there's also a FREE 24-hour replay).
Listen to my interview with Paul Doyon and discover:
  • how Paul fled China not because of the coronavirus but because of the stupidity of how the virus was being dealt with
  • the correlation between 5G and the coronavirus outbreak and also between the introduction of EMF technologies over the last +100 years and various influenza pandemics
  • the research which shows how EMFs weaken our immune system—a possible rationale for the 5G/coronavirus effect
  • how Paul discovered the #1 factor that was making him sick 15 years ago was EMFs—requires no medical testing
  • 3 essential ways to protect yourself from EMFs
  • Paul's 'Radio Protective Diet and Supplement Program' and the two main supplements he recommends to prevent EMF damage
  • foods and herbs that Paul eats every day to boost his immune system
  • two foods that boost your serotonin levels—a natural form of EMF protection
  • the EMF device that Paul recommends to reduce inflammation, boost the immune system and stimulate the healing process 
To connect with this FREE interview go to this page at the designated time: (if the page doesn't open just copy/paste this link in your browser).
You can also listen to the broadcast by telephone so you don't have to spend too much time in front of your computer - details are on the interview page.
Lloyd Burrell
Live a naturally healthy life in our electromagnetic world!
EMF protection is IMPORTANT
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with your friends and colleagues.
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