Sep 25, 2021

USA: Tell Congress and U.S. Governors That Wireless Safety Standards Must Protect People, Wildlife, and the Environment

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From: EHT <>
Date: Sat, Sep 25, 2021, 10:10 AM
Subject: Tell Congress and U.S. Governors That Wireless Safety Standards Must Protect People, Wildlife, and the Environment

This newsletter contains an action alert for U. S. Congress and the urgent need to call on California Governor Newsom to veto 5G bills.
Wireless Safety Standards Should Protect People and Wildlife
We need your support at this critical next step in our efforts to ensure federal accountability on 5G and wireless. Leading scientists are appealing to President Biden, U.S. Congress and U.S. State Governors to take immediate action now that a federal court has confirmed the lack of adequate review by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). 

Join EHT's letter-writing campaign calling on our elected leaders to support the scientists and to take the following actions after this landmark court win.

If you live in California, be sure to read more below on how to write the Governor so he stops 5G bills in California!

We are asking for:

  • A comprehensive research and policy review by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine. 
  • An environmental impact review for 5G and 4G deployment which includes not only effects from increased radiation but also climate impacts from increased energy use of the new networks and devices. 
  • The development of science-based wireless radiation safety limits for human, wildlife, and environmental exposures by US health and environmental agencies that protect against biological effects.
  • Congressional oversight hearings to investigate how this issue has been handled for the last two decades by the FDA, FCC, CDC and the EPA and to ensure policymakers are aware of the latest science and policy recommendations. 
  • A federal action plan which includes first halting 5G and network densification; monitoring and public posting of current environmental exposures; ensuring post-market surveillance for health effects with any new technology; enacting policies to reduce public exposures; and educating consumers on how they can reduce their family's exposure. 

America needs to invest in a safe technology infrastructure instead of racing into 5G. Our government health agencies can and should develop safety limits for wireless based on the latest research. 

Tell California Governor Newsom
Not only are telecoms moving swiftly to deploy 5G antennas and cell towers, they have persuaded legislatures to let them do so without any oversight!

This is what will happen in California if Gov. Newsom doesn't veto legislative bills SB 556 and AB 537! California's Senate AND Assembly have just passed bills effectively turning every streetlamp into a 5G/4G antenna and banning local controls over where, when, and how these two-way microwave radiating devices are deployed.

EHT Founder Dr. Devra Davis recently wrote about the implications of this legislation in light of the federal court's ruling. You can read her article in Medium here.


If you live in California, let Governor Newsom know your thoughts on these cell tower streamlining bills SB 556 and AB 537. Sign on to our letter-writing campaign today. When you plug in your California adress, the Action Network tool will send Governor Newsom a letter that you can personalize.
Please download our graphics and share in all your communities. Be sure to also share the hyperlinks to the action network campaign!
EHT | PO Box 58, Teton Village, WY 83025
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