Jan 6, 2014

Croatia & beyond: 2014--We Hear Your Cries! Open All Cages!

From: Zelda Penzel
Date: Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 11:39 AM
Subject: 2014: We Hear Your Cries! Open All Cages!
To: *|FNAME|*
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 1:05 PM

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1. Here's something different! I had to share my soup (dessert) with you... what do you see? Find an animal. Here is the recipe for the beast in you. Try it out.

Cut two thick slices of (sweet) pumpkin into small cubes (no skin)
Boil pumpkin pieces for about 30 minutes
Let them cool, then drop them in a blender
Add 6 large spoonfulls of soy, almond or coconut milk
Drop some salt and pepper into the mix
Blend till creamy and grab a real nice plate
Pour it all out into the plate
See an animal? Smile
Don't see anything? Try again
Grab a spoon and dig in

2. I love shirts with a meaningful message. This awesome shirt just arrived from France! Watch the entire NOcageARTfest or go to 2:42:10 to see my concert.

3. I wish you a wonderful, passionFULL 2014! Respect, love and be kind to yourself and all animals. Feeling them is truly magical.
4. Join me in taking a stand against the murder of 5000 deer in New York. Here is the petition and the video of the most gentle creatures in nature (great photos!) Please share with friends. They are NOT pests. 

5. Amazing links of the month: 
a. Meet Esther. SAY HELLO.
b. Become a pig. FEEL IT.
c. Dolphins get high. READ ABOUT IT.

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Do what you believe in. Be you.

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